October 5, 2024

Catastrophic Event Averted as Ethiopian and Emirates Escaped Near-Collision

Air Traffic Controllers in the Spotlight Following Close Call Over East African Skies.

Photo Source: Airplane-Pictures.Net

In a heart-stopping incident over East African airspace, an Emirates Airways flight (UAE722) and an Ethiopian Airlines flight (ETH690) narrowly escaped a collision on Sunday, March 24, 2024. The two aircraft, both cruising at an altitude of 37,000 feet, were on a collision course after erroneous instructions from Mogadishu Control placed them on intersecting paths.

A recent incident report released by the Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority shed light on the harrowing event, revealing that the timely intervention of Somaliland Air Traffic Controllers averted disaster. Just moments before impact, the quick thinking of the Ethiopian Airlines pilot, in coordination with the controllers, resulted in a swift altitude adjustment, climbing to 39,000 feet and narrowly avoiding catastrophe.

Attributing the near-miss to repeated errors by air traffic controllers in Mogadishu, Somalia, the Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority issued a stern warning about the recurrent lapses in judgment, labeling them as a grave threat to international flight safety.

“While the exact details of the incident are still under investigation, this close call underscores the critical importance of precision and vigilance in air traffic control operations,” remarked an aviation expert.

This incident follows previous reports of similar close encounters in the region, with Emirates and Ethiopian Airlines flights once again at the center of the potential collision. Despite previous warnings and concerns raised, the government of Somalia has yet to respond to the allegations leveled by Somaliland authorities regarding the air traffic incident.

Expressing deep concern over the pattern of errors originating from Mogadishu Tower, the Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority urged international agencies to take decisive action to address the underlying issues.

As the aviation community closely monitors developments, the safety and efficiency of East African airspace remain a top priority, necessitating swift and effective measures to prevent future incidents of this nature. Amidst mounting pressure for accountability and reform, stakeholders are called upon to prioritize collaboration and adherence to established protocols, ensuring the skies remain safe for all travelers.

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